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Available Youth Services in Klamath Falls

Youth Rising Homelessness

KLAMATH FALLS, OR— Invisible Youth

It is important that the youth not be left out of the equation in Klamath Falls, OR. In fact, there are two different groups with a similar mission to help the youth in Klamath Falls.

1. Youth Rising is the only free, inclusive 7000 square foot space that is open to all youth ages 11-18. Youth don't need to qualify for their services, and don't need a referral from agencies or schools, and they don't require a fee.

They will soon provide young adults as state-certified mentors with lived experiences that their youth can relate to. They also offer free, healthy meals, tutoring, job-readiness support, regional and statewide tours and excursions and weekly teen support groups.

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

The Start of a MOVEMENT

In 2014, Youth Rising (YR) was a grassroots effort planted by Tasha Meyer and implemented in partnership with local youth and agencies. The movement was formed by those who saw a gap in services for teens, and the need for a vehicle where young people could use their voices, discovered strengths, and lived experiences to improve outcomes and opportunities for themselves and for their peers.


YR Drop-ins provide a safe, inclusive space during critical hours of the day for transitional age youth (ages 11-18). When youth walk through our doors we aim to build trust while empowering them to gain life, leadership, and employable skills along the way.


The Youth Rising Team made great strides in 2018. We relocated and expanded to a 7000 SF building due to reaching max capacity in our old space. Our community partnerships also grew exponentially.

By end of 2018, we expect to serve over 6000 youth (average 30+ per day, over 500 individual youth).

By end of 2018 our goal is to fully implement our one-on-one mentoring services and teen support groups with our Peer Advocate staff.

Related link: KLAMATH FALLS, OR Youth Rising Press Release:

Invisible People

Integral Youth Services (IYS)

A Safe, Positive and Fun Place for Kids

"IYS PHILOSOPHY"- We believe in serving our youth with compassion and encouragement. We believe in providing opportunities, structure and accountability, which leads to a sense of responsibility. Our philosophies enable us to nurture the youth that we serve, releasing their full potential.

Integral Youth Services (IYS)

A Safe, Positive and Fun Place for Kids

"IYS PHILOSOPHY"- We believe in serving our youth with compassion and encouragement. We believe in providing opportunities, structure and accountability, which leads to a sense of responsibility. Our philosophies enable us to nurture the youth that we serve, releasing their full potential.

"OFFERING HOPE"- Our mission is "To honor God in offering HOPE to youth, providing for their needs and mentoring toward positive choices and healthy relationships."

"TRANSFORMED YOUTH"- As we envision the future, we see “a community of transformed youth who are empowered and prepared to be self-sufficient; actively engaging in their lives and the lives of others.”

Integral Youth Services (IYS) Who We Are

Our Mission

“To offer HOPE to youth, providing for their needs and mentoring toward positive choices and healthy relationships.”

Our Vision

Integral Youth Services is a Faith-Based organization providing intervention services and lifestyle alternatives to at-risk youth and their families; with a mandate to be a cooperative and facilitating community player with other organizations with similar goals.

What We Do

IYS offers Outreach Programs and Life Skills Programs to our community’s youth.


Homeless Education Liaison Program(HELP)

Providing individualized services such as free school supplies, clothing, mentorship, information and referrals, transportation assistance, and school fees to youth and their families in order to guarantee equal access to education. To learn To learn>More…

Exodus House

Twenty-four hour short-term emergency shelter in a home setting, providing support and services for homeless, runaway and at risk youth ages 10 -17 years old. To learn More…

More here...

James Garland of Tulelake News
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