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Available Youth Services in Klamath Falls

Youth Rising Homelessness KLAMATH FALLS, OR— Invisible Youth It is important that the youth not be left out of the equation in Klamath Falls, OR. In fact, there are two different groups with a similar mission to help the youth in Klamath Falls. 1. Youth Rising is the only free, inclusive 7000 square foot space that is open to all youth ages 11-18. Youth don't need to qualify for their services, and don't need a referral from agencies or schools, and they don't require a fee. They will soon provide young adults as state-certified mentors with lived experiences that their youth can relate to. They also offer free, healthy meals, tutoring, job-readiness support, regional and statewide tours and excursions and weekly teen support groups. "We must be the change we wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi The Start of a MOVEMENT In 2014, Youth Rising (YR) was a grassroots effort planted by Tasha Meyer and implemented in partnership with local yo
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UPDATED: Youth Rising expanding its services Invisible People

Klamath County Record Weekly Street Paper 2019 KLAMATH FALLS, OR— Invisible People Press Release: Youth Rising, a local nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting youth aged 12–17 in Klamath Falls, is now in the midst of expanding its services offered at the Youth Rising Drop-In Center – with plans to open a new youth emergency housing shelter in Klamath Falls. According to new data from the National Center for Homeless Education, nearly 1.4 million U.S. students under the age of 18 are homeless, while the Klamath County school district identified approximately 292 students as homeless in 2018, according to a press release. However, these statistics underestimate the homeless youth population due to the large number of youth that may be “couch-surfing,” living in a vehicle, or with extended family. Youth homelessness is becoming increasingly prevalent among youth as young as 10-12 years, who are often faced with the terrible choice to remain in neglectful or abusive

I believe in the Klamath County Record Weekly Street Paper

I believe in the Klamath County Record Weekly Street Paper KLAMATH FALLS, OR— Walk in their shoes for a while and see what it is like Steve Morris Founder and CEO of Inspiring Healthcare Resources has it right when getting people to work on your team. As you are a team, working together with the same goals in mind. Not my goals or your goals, but our goals. Steve Morris mentioned at a meeting that some of the employees that came to work at his company would bring with them the way they did things at the their other company. The baggage of "how it was always done". (Which, I have been guilty of the very same thing, a time or two myself.) That is experience, but leadership is yet another thing. And are completely two different things. As a leader, I am able to spot problems before they become a problem later on down the road. For me, I don't need someone to come in and try and tell me how to exercise a program, I started, and how I want to do it. Not, how they

For those who think all homeless are the same

New Arrivals to Klamath Falls KLAMATH FALLS, OR— All homeless are not the same. People need to educate themselves when it comes to homeless. They are not all the same and they are not all old and drug addicts and alcoholics or mentally ill. They each have their reasons as to why they are homeless and how they ended up being homeless. Yes, there are the career homeless and they choose to live that life style. But there are many others struggling each day to survive to the next, to get back on their feet, and be like the rest of us, with a roof over their heads again, to call home. I had other plans that I have put on hold for the time being, to concentrate on assisting as many homeless on the streets, that I can. I can't do it alone. I need your support and help too. Along with the homeless doing their part by selling the Klamath County Record Weekly Street Paper on the streets. And the support from the community by purchasing a copy each time they come out and are so

Homelessness among us

Klamath County Record Weekly Street Paper KLAMATH FALLS, OR— Making a difference, are you? Don’t look away The more we look away and pretend the problem does not exist, the more ignorant we become and the less willing we are to help. It is important to acknowledge that homelessness is a real problem in the community and not to deny that it exists. Help someone when you can and other people around you will follow and do the same. Talk to the homeless Sometimes all it takes is a conversation to turn someone's life around. Even if it doesn’t turn their life around, it can be insightful for both you and them. You can only learn about someones situation by asking and the more informed and educated we become about the ways in which people become homeless, the less likely it will be to happen. This will help us to prevent others in similar situations from becoming homeless. Acknowledge the problem. Don’t be one of those people who tries their best not to stare in the dir

All New Klamath County Record Weekly Street Paper

Coming Soon Klamath County Record Weekly Street Paper KLAMATH FALLS, OR— Klamath County Record Weekly Street Paper Prescribed burns planned for refuge complex Beginning Friday, March 15 and continuing into mid-April, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will conduct prescribed burns on the Tule Lake and Lower Klamath Lake National Wildlife refuges, according to a news release. The purpose of the burns is to improve habitat for migratory ducks and geese on the refuge as well as reduce hazardous fuels accumulations. The prescribed burns will be done by trained wildland firefighters from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with help from numerous interagency partners. It will occur in a controlled manner under prescribed conditions to minimize impacts to wildlife and the public. Smoke columns are expected to be fairly large and visible for several miles. There may be some short periods of time when smoke may impair visibility on public roads that pass through the refuge.

Coming Soon Klamath Falls Weekly Street Paper

Coming Soon Klamath Falls Weekly Street Paper KLAMATH FALLS, OR— Build it and they will come Things happen for one and one reason ONLY. By believing it is possible and anything is possible for those who first believe in themselves, no matter what anyone else believes, or says. You don't answer to the doubters, you only answer to yourself. There are always doubters, and most of the time they are the very same people who have never accomplished a thing for themselves; because they gave up or did not believe that they could do it or believe in themselves enough to make it happen. Most people are all talk and with no action, and most of the time they wish they could even do half, as much as you do. Instead, they want to bring you down to their level of thinking, because they are either jeolous or have no goals set for themselves, and want to blame you for their short comings. Either you have it in you or you don't. But to sit back and complain all the time about how